Puerto Rico Ancestry, Puerto Rico Genealogy Society.

Hello Family, Friends, and all those interested in my Puerto Rico Ancestry journey. Are you a member of the Sociedad Puertorriquena de Genealogia, or Puerto Rico Genealogy Society? I’m not a paid spokesperson for the SPG. I just need to state how important this group has been in my Puerto Rico Ancestry Research. The membership is a mere $50 at the time of this post, 2023, and I cannot stress how much value you will get from being a part of this group.

This past Saturday, 25 Feb 2023, was my first meeting as a member. Youtube, Sociedad Puertorriquena de Genealogia. It was a live Zoom Meeting and although there were a few blips, I was glad to be part this amazing group.

Anthony Bruno showed a number of ways to display and organize family trees. Including Family Tree Maker, Canva Family Tree, Charting Companions. Of course my tree will always be on Ancestry.com. Next, Dra. Norma Feliberti Aldebol, president, led the way to the most anticipated book, La Emigracion Isleno – Canaria a Puerto Rico Siglos XVI a XX, English translation, Canary Island Emigration to Puerto Rico: 16th to 20th Century. I hope to learn some insights into my own, Resto, Mijon, Lopez, and Casilla ancestors. I’m so excited I just can’t wait to get my book.

I encourage you to join the SPG group. You will be supporting a group which works tirelessly to find records, organize them, digitize them, and share them with the world for a nominal once a year membership fee. It also helps support your Puerto Rico Historical Community. The files behind the paid membership wall will get you to the next level you will not otherwise reach. I have personally broken down brick walls in my family tree. I’m sure you will too.

Hasta la Vista,

Until Next Time,

Lilly Resto Gunderman

One response to “Puerto Rico Ancestry, Puerto Rico Genealogy Society.”

  1. Antonio Colon Montes Avatar
    Antonio Colon Montes

    Hola! Doy un adulto mayor y ahora, q estoy retirado, me gustaría conocer mi ascendencia familiar de ambos progenitores. Deseo hacerme miembro. Agradeceré me informen días y horarios: (787)380-9200; acomon747@gmail.com. Gracias.


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